
There are a lot of resources available about autism, but it can be hard to know where to start. Here are some resources that can help parents, family members, teachers, school staff, and medical professionals learn more about autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


Resources from Autism Community

Evidence-Based Treatment


    Association for Science in Autism Treatment provides tackles the array of considerations surrounding autism treatment. This website offers research summaries around different autism treatments for families and professionals to make informed choices before considering treatment options


    Autism Speaks is one of the leading autism science and advocacy organizations. This site provides a comprehensive resource guide for all states and boasts an impressive list of apps that parents may find useful, including games that focus on communication and social skills.


    The Autism Society of America: This website has a lot of information about ASD, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and resources for families.


    The National Autism Association: This website also has a lot of information about ASD, as well as a forum where parents can connect with each other.


    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: This website has information about ASD from the CDC, including prevalence rates and risk factors.


    The National Institutes of Health: This website has information about ASD from the NIH, including research on the causes and treatments of ASD.

This resource is a good starting point for parents who are looking for information about treatments for developmental disabilities.

Attention health care providers: read about ABA Therapy on page 21 within the journal of american academy of pediatrics. ABA Therapy is considered a evidenced-based best practice treatment.